ojuba Linux 3 released

After a lunar month from releasing our beta of ojuba 3 we are proud to announce the release of our third release.

This release is code named “arrebat” which means standing firm before enemies. We supplicate to God it won't disappoint our user base keeping up what we have accomplished.


This release comes in two forms:

The installation DVD contains packages and serves as a repo for offline installation of packages. it's stuffed of many packages like

Choosing English in ojuba 3 Live

واجهة غنوم
واجهة كيدي
واجهة xfce
واجهة lxde

Ojuba 3 features

ojuba control center

بلاغات xfce

this release is based on Fedora 11 and it has fedora's features like

ojuba 3 is based on an updated fedora which makes it very robust and stable. We have added some patches like

الإقلاع الرسومي في أعجوبة 3
graphical bool
إضافة قرص DVD كمستودع دون إنترنت
add media repo for offline installation

you may get ojuba 3 from http://linux.ojuba.org/getit

ojuba team - 26th Ramadan 1430 Hijri