القلعة التركيّة المشهورة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

18 مارس 1915

We have celebrated the annual commemoration of the martyrs of Çanakkale (pronounced Chanakkalé) with a mawlid on Thursday night. The actual day was Wednesday, March 18th.

Sheykh Abdul Kerim Efendi reminded us of the significance of this battle as the last real jihad authorized by the Caliph, the Sultan in Istanbul. This 19th Crusade to destroy Islam failed as a consequence of about 250,000 martyrs, mostly young men aged 18-25. It marked the triumph of spiritual and religious power over state of the art materialistic power.



القصيدة التي كتبت في أولئك النفر من الشباب الشهداء -إن شاء الله- رحمهم الله رحمةً واسعة:

القصيدة باللغة التركية

Çanakkale içinde aynalı çarşı

Ana ben gidiyom düşmana karşı

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

Çanakkale içinde bir uzun selvi

Kimimiz nişanlı kimimiz evli

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

Çanakkale üstünü duman bürüdü

On üçüncü fırka harbe yürüdü

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

Çanakkale içinde bir dolu testi

Analar babalar umudu kesti

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

Çanakkale içinde vurdular beni

Ölmeden mezara koydular beni

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

Çanakkale içinde sıra sıra söğütler

Yüzbaşılar oturmuş asker öğütler

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

Çanakkale içinde toplar kuruldu

Vay,bizim uşaklar orada vuruldu

Of gençliğim ,eyvah

القصيدة مترجمةٌ باللغة الإنجليزية

The mirrored bazaar inside Çanakkale

Mother,I’m going towards the enemy

of my youngness,alas !

A long cypress inside Çanakkale

Some of us are engaged,some of us are married

of my youngness,alas !

The smoke covered over Çanakkale

The thirteenth company walked to the war line

of my youngness,alas !

A broken jug inside Çanakkale

Mothers and fathers lost hope

of my youngness,alas !

They shot me inside Çanakkale

They put me into the grave before I died.

of my youngness,alas !

Row upon row of willows inside Çanakkale

The captains sat ,advise soldiers

of my youngness,alas !

Cannons were emplaced inside Çanakkale

Ohh,our sons were shot there

of my youngness,alas !

وفقكم الله ورعاكم