
البرمجيات الحُرة والمفتوحة المصدر

أدوات المستخدم

أدوات الموقع

Action disabled: recent
  • user inserts any CD/DVD
  • the application receive a signal from dbus
  • it checks if its mountpoint/media.repo exists
    • no: ignore the event
    • yes: it checks if that is already known and cached
      • yes: enable it and launch PK
      • no:
        • prompt the user “New package media named $NAME is found, do you want to add it”
        • create /etc/yum.repos.d/media-NAME.repo and cache it, then enable it and start PK
  • disable it when the media is removed
  • when a new session is started turn off all media-*.repo repos
pri/media-repo.txt · آخر تعديل: 2015/04/23 03:21 (تحرير خارجي)

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